Katie Chiou ::: University of California, Berkeley |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The joy of working at San Jose de Moro over the past two field seasons is difficult to describe—not only was I able to hone my excavation techniques in one of the most archaeologically awe-inspiring regions in the world, I also had the opportunity to participate in a large multinational and multidisciplinary project investigating a variety of intriguing topics concerning the nature of cultural development in the North Coast of Peru.
Furthermore, the chance to be a part an international community of locals and foreigners alike taught me much about the value of cooperation and collaboration, about the fundamental importance of mutual respect and cross-cultural communication. In the summer of 2007, I went to Peru to garner more field experience in a different area of the world, and left besotted, head-over-heels in love with a past, a land, and a people. Needless to say, the types of experiences that one leaves San Jose de Moro with are not easily forgotten.." |
Noa Corcoran-Tadd ::: University of Cambridge |
“As someone coming from Europe, I wasn’t sure at first how I would fit into the team; however, given both the diversity of the group and the generally laid-back atmosphere, I soon found it easy to get into the rhythm of the project. The area I worked in consisted of a group of structures with numerous intramural burials and a hypothesized central area for ceremonial food production. As well as mapping and recording finds in this area, I was able to assist in the excavation of several mortuary contexts. This was a fantastic experience – given the incredible preservation conditions afforded by the desert climate, it was possible to recover textile and even hair from the burials. Beyond excavation, the surveying in the Jequetepeque valley, using satellite imagery and GPS, and the frequent lectures evenings provided a broader understanding of the archaeology of the region. The relationships between students and supervisors were often quite dynamic and the immersion in a Spanish-speaking environment enabled me to improve my Spanish skills significantly. The trip also afforded an in-depth perspective on Peruvian culture and I look forward to returning when possible.” |
Marta Tocón García ::: Universidad Pablo de Olavide |
“Ha sido una experiencia inolvidable que me ha enriquecido, tanto en lo personal, porque he tenido la oportunidad de conocer, convivir, hacer amigos e intercambiar ideas con personas de otras nacionalidades; como en mi formación académica, ya que me ha aportado nuevos conocimientos sobre la arqueología, tanto en el plano teórico como en el práctico, donde he podido trabajar y contrastar la arqueología americana con la europea, en cuanto a los métodos de excavación, análisis y tratamiento de datos, etc. además he tenido la oportunidad de viajar por un país y entrar en contacto con una cultura muy diferente a la mía.” |
Aimee Bushman ::: Smith University Washington |
“Working on the San Jose de Moro team has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Not only was I able to gain firsthand experience in many facets of archaeological field work, but I was also able to meet top scholars in the study who were more than eager to tell me about their experiences. For anyone who is curious or passionate about pursuing archaeology as a career, San Jose de Moro is the perfect field school experience. There, you truly are a part of the project, your contributions are essential for research, and the camaraderie that you gain with your fellow field workers makes the field school a worthwhile experience.” |
Charlotte Guinois ::: Université de Paris - La Sorbonne |
“I was lucky to excavate in San José de Moro in 2007 and it was a fantastic and really interesting experience I will never forget ; I had the opportunity to excavate a very rich moche tomb that was discovered in my excavation area and I could see the whole process which is really instructive for a student in Andean Archaeology. Furthermore, this experience was completed by very interesting and various lectures on different topics by archaeologists and scholars. Finally, this experience was an opportunity to share ideas with students and professors coming from various countries and universities and the atmosphere was excellent there.” |