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Lambayeque Period

The Lambayeque occupation in San José de Moro dates to approximately 1000 AD, extending to the rise of the Chimú Empire in 1350 AD. During this period SJM declined in importance as a regional ceremonial center for the valley, supplanted by Pacatnamú. However, the site maintained certain prestige and consequently continued to receive interments of some importance. This was therefore a period of less intense occupation, primarily involving intrusive funerary contexts. Individuals were buried in flexed position, and the presence of the “Huaco Rey”, symbol of the Lambayeque culture, grew more common.

Nevertheless, the conception of the Lambayeque phenomenon as an intrusive element has changed as a result of the achievements associated with this period, including a structure of large proportions that appears to have been a palace or elite residence at the southern part of SJM. This residence includes large polished floors, plaster walls painted with polychrome designs, and a demarcated area for storage and serving food, all of which makes us suppose that the presence of the Lambayeque could have been more intense than previously assumed.


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